Linggo, Enero 20, 2013

TERRRITORIALISM: Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story

Territorialism, also known as Statism (though not to be confused with the political philosophy of the same name), was a Jewish political movement calling for creation of a sufficiently large and compact Jewish territory (or territories), not necessarily in the Land of Israel and not necessarily fully autonomous.


The Story:

Tondo. The Ancient Gangland. Year 1950. Gang wars were in. Violence was the name of the game.

Gangsters carried Thompsons and grease guns in a bayong. Police Characters were just too tough resulting in bloody encounters.

All notorious hoodlums dreamt to be the King. But one smart and slippery hoodlum rose to power and reigned as King.

He was the youngest and toughest Public Enemy No. 1 (Criminal) the Tondo Underworld ever bred. He was feared, respected and loved.

A legendary Robin Hood in his time Tondo will never forget.

His gang called him Hitler. Tondo remembers him by another name: ASIONG SALONGA.

He robbed the rich to give to the poor. He lived and died by the gun. He lived fast and died young.


The Criticism:

The movie is about the life of Asiong Salonga, but it also tells the battles that he did to protect his land and glory.

In the theory, it tackles about sealing your territory, which in the movie's case were his pride, honor and land. 
 It's such a great movie about the life of a gangster fighting for his life, territory and the title of MANILA KINGPIN. 

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